According to current reports, flushing cannabis plants before harvesting may not ramp up the value of the cannabis flower. In contrast, most people believe that flushing plants is the best way to enhance the tastes of a dried-up cannabis flower.

In most instances, most growers improve the value of a finished product by stopping to fertilize their plants 14 days before harvesting. According to the data released from the blind test analysis, participants preferred the cannabis flower taste that hadn’t been flushed compared to the flushed one.

The flushing period did not influence the flavor, taste, smoothness of smoke, and ash color. This showed that flushing was not beneficial to the cannabis flower to produce an enhanced taste that meets the customer’s demand.

New innovations in the cannabis growth stage are happening day in and day out. Flushing may work perfectly for one grower yet give opposite results to another grower. Different components are being invented in the growing process to find what works best.

Little or no flushing may not be needed for growers who do not apply excess fertilizer. Research also shows that flushing comes into the situation where growers feed their cannabis plants excessively.

Therefore, growers need to take more caution when it comes to controlling feeding levels. Light and controlled feeding will not require the grower to flush their plants.

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